Welcome to the Group Welcome Pack.
This page gives the information the Parents usually get given on the first day.
The pack normally comprises of:
- An introduction to the group (and something to put the other paperwork in)
- Details of our Subs (and what we do with it). There is a you tube video here that explains our preferred method of collecting Subs and Event Payments using GoCardless and Online Scout Manager.
- Details on how the gift aid scheme and the gift aid form. This is where we can claim back tax paid on our Subs. Alan Vosper administers this for us as well as collects the Subs (Thank you Alan)
- Information form that we ask new members to complete. It includes asking you to sign to accept our data control policy.
- Beaver and Cub Outing Form (Beavers and Cubs Only)
- Details of our group newsletter and website policy
- A Guide for Scouts and Addition information for Scout Parents (Scouts Only)
We appreciate that there is a fair bit of paperwork here (sorry but its all needed) so we normally ask you to give us basic contact details and return with the rest of it the following week.
If anyone wants additional hard copies of the above please ask a leader. There is a blue file in the flag cupboard with copies which are regularly topped up.
Alternatively contact the website manager:
Nigel Vosper nigelJvosper@sky.com 0797 9736459