The latest Cub News now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
Duck Race 26th Mar 2022
The Duck Race page has been updated in preparation for the next Duck Race on Sat 26th Mar 2022.
Update to Scout page including camp 19/20 Feb 22
The Scout Page has been updated including details of the camp planned for the 19th & 20th Feb 2022.
Update to Covid page reflecting National change to facemask guidance.
Scouting national guidance for England has been updated regarding face coverings. They are no longer mandatory (but may still be worn) when inside for Scouts, Explorers and Adults. Please see our updated Covid Page for our updated risk assessments.
Scout Help.
Scout News
The Scout webpage has been updated with the latest Scout News.
Cub News
The latest Cub News now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
Return to National Covid Yellow Status
Scouting national guidance for England changed from Green to Yellow on Thu 2nd Dec 21. The main impact of this is that we have returned to ask Scouts, Explorers and Adults to wear facemasks when inside (except those medically exempt). Please see our updated Covid Page for our updated risk assessments.
Scout News
The Scout webpage has been updated with the latest Scout News.
Update to Vacancy Board
The Vacancy Board has been updated on the Group Structure and Vacancy Board. You can see the Scout Section and Executive in particular need support. If anyone is interested in becoming a helper, leader or member of the Executive then please let us know.
Update to GSL and Exec Page
The Group Scout Leader and Exec page has been updated including with the latest Group Scouters and Executive Meetings.
Gold Queen Scout Award Expedition Details.
The Scout web page has been updated with details of the Gold Queen Scout Award Expedition planned for 25th and 26th Oct 21. Included is the kitlist.