The Cub Newsletter, Submarine Museum Sleepover (27/28 Apr) and the Full Programme for Spring 2018 can all now be found of the Cub Scout Page.
Cub Badge Records Updated
The Cub Badge records have been updated from the last term. Lots of badges will be handed out on Tuesday.
Scout/Explorer Newsletter and Full Programme for Spring 2018
The latest Scout/Explorer Newsletter and the Full Programme for Spring 2018 was given out tonight at Scouts/Explorers tonight. You can find a copy on the Scout/Explorer pages. Highlights include that we wish Craig well in his new role, we need some help with Scouts/Explorers as a result, plus details on the Duck Race, Easter Hike and Summer Camp.
New look to our Website
Dear all
As an early Christmas present I hope you enjoy the new look to our website. We’ve left the structure of the pages the same but re-created it using more modern web production techniques. This will make it easier to keep up to date and allow more people to contribute to the website. I have been through everything but if you spot anything the looks wrong please let me know.
Nigel Vosper