The lottery page has been updated with our Lottery flyer which contains all the details.
One of our Leaders has already been lucky enough to win £250 🙂
The lottery page has been updated with our Lottery flyer which contains all the details.
One of our Leaders has already been lucky enough to win £250 🙂
I have just updated the Kayaking page with details of the next Bedhampton trip of the year.
The next Trip is: Sat 1st Sep meet at 13:00. This will be a 2 hour on water easy trip.
Please see the Kayaking page for more information.
The latest Beaver Scout Fun Newsletter was given out at Beaver Scouts last week. You can find a copy on the Beaver Scout page. It includes details on a trip to Paultons Park on Sun 14th Oct (Numbers needed by 31 Aug)
The AGM minutes and latest versions of the Group Scouters (Leaders and Helpers meeting) and the Group Executive minutes have been uploaded to the website here. We are always looking for people to be Helpers, Leaders or Executive Members so please contact Nigel Vosper or any other helper, leader or member of the Exec if interested.
I have just updated the Kayaking page with details of the next Bedhampton trip of the year.
The next Trip is: Sat 21st Jul meet at 13:00. This will be a 2 hour on water easy trip.
Please see the Kayaking page for more information.
The Cub “Late Spring” Camp (Sat 14 Jul to Sun 15 Jul) details and form can now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
The latest Cub News can now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
The Cub Summer Camp (Sun 12 Aug to Fri 17 Aug) details and form can now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
The latest Beaver Scout Fun Newsletter was given out at Beaver Scouts last week. You can find a copy on the Beaver Scout page.
An extra version of the June Cub News can now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
We have registered as a good cause on the Havant Lottery scheme.
If interested please click here to buy tickets and support us.
Tickets cost £1 per week and the top prize is £25,000
50 pence in every pound goes straight to this group with a further 10p to other good causes.