Welcome to the Cub Scout Pages.
For Cubs, excitement and adventure are key. Their programme offers a huge variety of activities surrounding areas of fitness, global and beliefs; whilst allowing them to be creative and get involved in their local communities. Cubs are introduced to exciting outdoor skills and take part in adventurous activities, as well as camps and residential experiences.

Cubs are usually aged between eight and ten and a half years old. They can move to the next Section, Scouts, between the ages of ten and eleven.
Please look at our Controlled Facebook Page to see photos of our recent activity. All photos are managed inline with our Group newsletter and web and policy (available in our welcome pack).
- We give out paper newsletters and put them on the website below.
- We send out mobile phone text reminders (free). Let Nigel Vosper know if you need a phone added.
- We send out emails via OSM. Please make sure your email details are up to date (link below)
Info on the programme, camps and upcoming events.
Document | Last updated | |
Click here | Latest Cub News |
The Cub Section uses OSM (Online Scout Manager) for the detail of the weekly programme, other events and activities, attendance and badge records. Click here for the login to OSM. If you need your OSM login reset please let Nigel Vosper or Judy Colwell know.
Click here for Kayaking pages (for Cubs aged 10 or over).
Click here for details on the Autumn Camp being held at South Harting on 21st/22nd Oct 23.
Info on badges, ceremonies and competitions.
Click on this link for the Groups Welcome Pack.
Click here to see progress towards Silver Chief Scouts Award as well as the current nights/hikes/water activities.
Click here for what a Sixer and Seconder do in Bedhampton.
Click here for details of the Investiture.
Click here for details on going up to Scouts. In addition one of our Scouts did a presentation on the differences (and things that are the same) between Cubs and Scouts. This can be found here.
Click here for the Cub Scout Badge Positions (inside scoutbase.org.uk).
Judy Colwell (Leader). Mob 07960479886.

With assistance from other helpers and leaders from the team:
