The latest Cub News now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
Category: Uncategorised
Whats the difference between Cubs and Scouts?
One of our Scouts has been answering the above question as part of his personnel challenge for his Chief Scout Gold Award. He presented the result to some Cubs on Tuesday and you can also find the result saved on our Cub Scout Page.
Group Scouters and Group Executive Minutes on website
The latest versions of the Group Scouters (Leaders and Helpers meeting) and the Group Executive minutes have been uploaded to the website here.
Patrol Leader Council Minutes and Newsletter on Scout Webpage
The Scout web page has been updated with the minutes of the PLC (Patrol Leaders Council) held last week and the newsletter that was sent out the week before.
Update to Scout and Explorer Webpages
Flushed With Opportunity
Our Sponsor the Church is trying to raise enough funds to upgrade the Toilets in the Church Hall where we meet. We have created a new webpage on this site with details here.
Update to Group Structure and Vacancy Board
The Group Structure and Vacancy Board on this website has been updated to reflect the areas we most need help in. Please contact any of the leaders or Nigel Vosper if interested in helping (it doesn’t need to be every week).
Co-vid Update 21 Mar 2021
We have updated our Covid 19 Information Page with instructions to Parents/Guardians following Lockdown 3.0. We are aiming to return on Tue 30th Mar and Wed 31st Mar but this is subject to confirmation from the National Scout Association (based on National Youth Agency and Government Guidance) that we are allowed to meet.
We are working towards face to face Scouting resuming 30th & 31st Mar 21.
Following an announcement earlier this week by the National Scout Association and the National Youth Council we are pleased to announce we are working towards meeting back outside face to face from Tue 30th Mar and Wed 31st Mar. This is just before the 2 week Easter Holidays but we would be very pleased to see some of you! More information will be sent to members and we will update our Covid 19 Information Page as we approach this date. As always attendance is optional.
Group Scouters and Group Executive Minutes on website
Co-vid Update 3rd Jan 2021
Unfortunately with the introduction of Tier 4 Co-vid Restrictions in the Havant area we have moved into the National Scout “red” zone and along with all other areas in Tier 4 we are not allowed to meet face to face. We will revert to sending out programmes (for Beavers and Cubs) and Online Zoom Meetings (for Scouts and Explorers).
There is more information on our Covid 19 Information Page and hopefully we will soon return to face to face Scouting.
Face to Face Scouting at Bedhampton Resumes after Lockdown 2.0
We are pleased to confirm that following the end of England Lockdown 2.0 Scouting in England has returned to Amber and face to face meetings can resume. We have used the time to enhance our risk assessments to include indoor activities and with the kind permission and help from our Sponsor the Bedhampton Church face to face meetings will be able to resume inside from Tue 8th Dec 20.
More information can be found on our Covid 19 information page.