The latest Cub News can now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
The latest Cub News can now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
The Scout Page has been updated with the latest Scout Newsletter.
The climbing form for Scouts on the 29th Nov 2023 can now be found on the Scout page.
The latest Cub News can now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
The Scout Page has been updated with the latest Scout Newsletter.
Following successful trials (thanks to those who helped) we have made payments via OSM (Online Scout Manager) & Gocardless our preferred method for parents/guardians to pay our membership Subscriptions.
As part of this there is a simple user-guide within the Subs part of the Welcome pack.
There is also a you-tube video provided by Online Scout Manager.
The GSL and Group Trustee Page has been updated including with the meeting dates and AGM date for 2024.
The latest Cub News can now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
The Scout Page has been updated with the latest Scout Newsletter.
The latest Cub News can now be found on the Cub Scout Page.
Scout Page has been updated with Final Summer Camp information.