The Group Structure and Vacancy Page has been updated. Help is required in the Beaver and Scout Sections and in the Trustee Board/Executive with the running of the Group and fundraising.
Month: January 2024
1st Bedhampton Bingo Bash

1st Bedhampton Scout Group is proud to be hosting a Bingo Bash.
It’s Saturday 27th Jan 2024 at St Nicholas Church Hall, Belmont Grove, Bedhampton, PO9 3PU from 6.30pm. Bring own drinks and snacks. You can turn up on the night.
Each strip costs £1 with 25p going to the Scout Group. We expect to run at least 4 Bingo Sessions.
Thank you to the local Business who are contributing to the raffle. We will name them as the raffle is drawn out on the night.