The latest versions of the Group Scouters (Leaders and Helpers meeting) and the Group Executive minutes have been uploaded to the website here.
The latest versions of the Group Scouters (Leaders and Helpers meeting) and the Group Executive minutes have been uploaded to the website here.
The FAQs regarding Subs and the Duck Race have been updated on our Covid-19 page. You can find the page here.
The GSL and Exec page has been updated to reflect the announcement that our AGM will be 30 Nov 20 via Zoom.
The latest versions of the Group Scouters (Leaders and Helpers meeting) and the Group Executive minutes have been uploaded to the website here.
The Group Structure and Vacancy Board on this website has been updated to reflect Nigel moving into the Scout section and to show the areas we most need help in. Please contact any of the leaders or Nigel Vosper if interested in helping (it doesn’t need to be every week).