It with sadness that I have to confirm the cancellation of the Group Trip following Palm Sunday on 5th April. I will make arrangements for all money will be returned. We may look to hold it later in the year.
The Duck Race is postponed (rather than cancelled). It will be held at a date to be arranged later in the year when the Coronavirus situation has passed. So please keep care of those Duck Tickets.
The Executive have obviously agreed that Subs should be suspended whilst we are not meeting. Hopefully this will help for some families who could be really struggling. We also would also like to thank the our Sponsors 1st Bedhampton Church for suspending the payment we give them for use of the hall.
The good news is Scouting is coming alive online whilst Coronavirus means we don’t physically meet. As well as national efforts our local sections are trying to create on line programmes for you to try. Watch this (on-line) space.
Most importantly look after yourselves and each other at this time of need. Keep fit and active.